IC Unknown World (IC)

Streyll nods.
"*I believe I am as well.*"
"Alright. Also, in case you need something to call me, my designation is C-093."
C-093 leaves the room, and Izviing's and Dijth's collars would start having the same effects as they did when Chir' and Streyll started training.
After a few seconds the door open, and two drakes and three wolves run out of them.
One drake runs towards Dijth.
Two wolves run towards Chir'.
One wolf runes towards Izviing.
The other drake runs towards Streyll.
Chir' tries to shoot the wolves attacking him with his venom.
Dijth summons a :red:load of birds to attack the drake and moves away.
One wolf gets hit, and collapses after about a second, before howling in pain.
The other wolf attacking Chir' manages to dodge the venom, then backs away once it sees the wolf that was hit by venom.

The drake going after Dijth looks at the birds, then starts trying to fight them off, but they aren't doing very well at that.

Izviing summons a spike of ice in front of the wolf running towards him.
The wolf tries to stop, but doesn't stop in time, and gets impaled by the spike.

Streyll waits forcthe drake to get close, then takes off and flies past the drakes side while clawing them.
The drake screams in pain, and manages to claw Streyll's left hindleg.
Chir' tries to shoot the wolf that dodged again.

Dijth keeps his distance and keeps the birds focused on the drake.
Streyll then quickly uses his wings to charge towards the drake, and manages to pin it down and grabs its neck.
The drake then starts trying to claw Streyll to get him away, so Streyll rips apart the drake's neck.

The wolf that dodged gets hit, and collapses.
After about a minute both wolves that were hit by venom die.
the drake the birds were attacking gets killed.
Streyll looks around.
After a few seconds two dragons and a human enter the room.
The human pulls out a gun and aims at Dijth, then starts trying to shoot him.
One dragon takes off and flies towards Chir'.
The other dragon flies towards Izviing.
Chir' tries to shoot the dragon attacking him now.
Dijth gets hit in the side. He has his birds attack the human.
The dragon gets hit by the venom, then tries to ram Chir' before the effects of the venom get too severe.

The human tries to shoot Dijth again before the birds kill them.

Izviing summons ice spikes between himself and the dragon, then uses frost breath on the dragon.
The dragon continues flying, but the ice breath is enough to make them lose altitude and crash into the spikes. The dragon then pulls themself off of the spikes, before breaking through them and running after Izviing.
Chir' almost manages to dodge, the ram hitting his right wing.
The shot meant for Dijth hits one of his birds instead.
Dijth passes out from bleeding.
The dragon tries to grab and tear Chir's wing as they ram him, however after that they collapse and scream in pain from the venom.

(Would his birds still be there once he's unconscious?)

The dragon going after Izviing manages to claw his left eye out, before they get killed by Streyll ripping out part of their neck.
(So the wing was ripped completely off of Chir'?)

The human drops their gun and runs at Dijth with a knife.
Izviing tries to launch a spike of ice at the human, but misses due to losing an eye.
Streyll then flies towards the human and pins them against the ground.
The human gets hit, then dies of venom a minute later.
Streyll gets up and looks at Chir'.
<<C-104-1, are you alright?>>

C-093 enters the room with two synths.
One synth walks over to Dijth to check his injuries, while the other takes Izviing somewhere else to be treated.
C-093 watches Chir' and Streyll.
(Also, Chir' would not see the synths or C-093 as people he can kill.)
He's bleeding out but wasn't hit anywhere too important.
<<As much as I can be when my wing just got ripped off.>>
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