Xbox One Submitted Friday - PS4 Fixes Out 1.23.18!!!

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Everyone is getting so hype. CALM DOWN. Nothing is set in stone and if it's delayed by even a day this will cause one of the biggest gaming backslashes in history. We don't need this fandom going nuts... AGAIN
I just asked my friend what he thought of Terraria and he gave the most infuriating response. "Because it's stupid." I was so pissed and when I asked why he thought that he said "because it's 2D and blocky." I flipped him off and walked away.
I just asked my friend what he thought of Terraria and he gave the most infuriating response. "Because it's stupid." I was so pissed and when I asked why he thought that he said "because it's 2D and blocky." I flipped him off and walked away.

I thought you didn't have any friends
I just asked my friend what he thought of Terraria and he gave the most infuriating response. "Because it's stupid." I was so pissed and when I asked why he thought that he said "because it's 2D and blocky." I flipped him off and walked away.
Friends who hate Terraria aren’t friends. You go, person.
I thought you didn't have any friends
Friends who hate Terraria aren’t friends. You go, person.
You should make your signature

"The number you have reached, W A I T I N G F O R ONE POINT THREE" is not available at the moment. If you love Terraria, please dial again."
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