Official Get Wired For Terraria 1.3.1: Calling All Terrarian Mechanics!

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I would love to see more wrenches like say after beating all 3 mech bosses you could buy a mechanical wrench with increased range over regular wrenches and the ability to cycle thru colors
I'll share some of my many more of less weird ideas

-it would be a funny detail if UFOs collector critters and random items from the ground

-maybe being able to combine more items into new items would be cool. Like expert items(it replaces thrown bones to cross bones instead of Bone Glove that used bones as ammo and being able to disable Gravity Globe's effect would be cool

-speaking of mechanics if there was a weapon stand that swings the weapon you would be able to create a better defence system. Nah, it would make the game too easy.

-If the wire clock things still worked after reloading the world it would be great.
It has nothing to do with wires but I would love to see a mech suit. It would be a mount and gives a small boost in defense as well as bullet and rockets damage. Like the UFO mount it will disable in water. It's more for attack as it's not as fast as some of the other mounts, but it may have rocket boots for limited flight. I just keep thinking of HISE's Hunger Games video where it shows up.
Something like command blocks would be nice it would make things easier for things like severs and adventure maps.
Pickaxe statues (and hammers, swords, etc.) Should act like their tool they are designed after when activated. For example, pickaxe statues mine blocks and sword statues deal damage to nearby mobs (maybe 5 - 10 DMG). It should be very slow and have low range. They should have stats similar to copper tools including range. If this gets implemented, make these types of statues rarer aswell.
As a thought that's totally unrelated to wires and wiring of any sort, i would be really cool to be able to dye weapons
How about fixing the bug that causes steam to crash?

What bug are you talking about?
I ran into that for a bit, disabled Cloud Saves and it's been fine since. Also lost everything once to the cloud sync issues, saw an older file on my system than the one listed in Cloud so I downloaded. Sadly it was a save where my Mediumcore character had recently died but not snagged anything...
Pickaxe statues (and hammers, swords, etc.) Should act like their tool they are designed after when activated. For example, pickaxe statues mine blocks and sword statues deal damage to nearby mobs (maybe 5 - 10 DMG). It should be very slow and have low range. They should have stats similar to copper tools including range. If this gets implemented, make these types of statues rarer aswell.
How would the pickaxe statue mine blocks? Would it just pick r
Hey Diceman, always enjoy looking over your builds.

I'm trying to find a way to gracefully shutdown a skeleton engine. With the .33 dart trap cooldown increase timer activations no longer cut it.

How do I kill the signal from this blue wire?

View attachment 74439

From the looks of it that set up will actuate some blocks to block the skeleton's path to keep him off the presser plates. This should be enough to stop the dart traps but if you want to get rid of the skeleton all together you could have the long green wire also actuate the blocks behind him. Have that lead to some more lava and he will die.
- Trash hopper (or different functionality if the hopper target is a trash can.)
- Craftable detonators.
- Hammer lock mode - Allows you to set a particular hammer to only produce blocks of a single orientation. Activating the lock on the hammer should cycle through the block types like normal, half block, 4 angle blocks, normal block. This would allow for much faster hoik/roof/tunnel creation. Alternatively, special hammers that only do one type of block all the time, I'd rather carry 6 hammers than have to hammer every block 5 times.
What if they added another boss on the golem level which dropped alot of special wires which could only be used on certain things?
I don't know if anybody mentioned this before, but a way to select what color of wire you wanted to see at a time would be very handy. It can get hard to wire when multiple colors overlap and you just want to work on one color at a time.
Also, more functional statues or other gadgets would be nice! In addition, also consider implementing detectors to sense factors such as liquid overlapping the tile or an uncommon event happening, similar to how the herbs function.
I've had 2 ideas:
Remote trigger hubs
Configurable timers

Albeit I mentioned 2 ideas but these would require a new tool: configuration device

Remote trigger hubs:
You place them and connects wires to these hubs and name them with the configuration tool (like you would with a sign)
All hubs named the same are interconnected, when these hubs are triggered the effect goes to all other hubs across space with the same name as the triggered hub.
These hubs are visible from wiring view.
At home redwire and greenwire a teleporter to a hub named "beach"
Place a hub on the beach to the right and name it "beach".
Connect a redwire to a teleporter on the right beach.
Place a hub on the beach to the Left and name it "beach".
Connect a greenwire to a teleporter on the left beach.

Now at home if you greentrigger you teleport to the beach on the left and if you redtrigger you teleport to the beach to the beach on the right without wiring all the way because the hubs named "beach" are interconnected to respective wiring.

Configurable timer:
Like a normal timer but you can mount it to walls like a switch and have following options with the configuration device:
Name it (so you see it's name like a chest or sign when hovered over)
Initial trigger/check box (IF you want it to send a trigger signal once activated)
Delayed trigger/check box followed with timer box (where you configure delayed trigger effect. Minimum interval is 100 milisecond. Example of time configuration: 25 = 2 and a half seconds delay).
Repeat trigger/check box/timer box/repeat sequence box(number of times you wish to do repeated trigger according to the repeat timer)/infinite repeat check box(optional to repeat # box where this repeat till turned off according to the repeat timer)

These would follow prioritise like following
1.Initial trigger (if opted)
2.Timer delay (following initial trigger and trigger according to time configured)
3.Repeat (following after initial trigger and time delay if opted and trigger according to intervals configured)

How you perform the configuration is with the configuration device which shows wiring so you can interact with the hubs.

Well that's what I've been thinking about.
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hi cenx and heres an idea may add like traps but the on the serface but there uncommen and make and electric slime where if you touch it youll be stunned and the reson the electric slim is because the mecanic girl has electric wires
I would like to see a class similar to summoner in which you build turrets and Robots that function similarly, yet differently than normal summons.
Roomva: made with wires and iron?
Once placed down It can be assigned a number of tiles to clean,
After about 3 minutes it will need to be charged so as soon as you place down a charging station
In 12 blocks in proximity they will automatically change them selves you will also need a item storage like a chest designated to them using a chest setting,
If charging station is on upper level they will either climb the walls to get up, teleport, or fly up
Muck like the slime pet.

Charging station:
Made or bought from mechanic, if made it takes: wire, a timer, and iron,?
Charges a single roomva at a time after a roomva has found a changing station it will know we're it is
Until obstructed,
If no charging station is nearby they will search for one.
Roomva: made with wires and iron?
Once placed down It can be assigned a number of tiles to clean,
After about 3 minutes it will need to be charged so as soon as you place down a charging station
In 12 blocks in proximity they will automatically change them selves you will also need a item storage like a chest designated to them using a chest setting,
If charging station is on upper level they will either climb the walls to get up, teleport, or fly up
Muck like the slime pet.

Charging station:
Made or bought from mechanic, if made it takes: wire, a timer, and iron,?
Charges a single roomva at a time after a roomva has found a changing station it will know we're it is
Until obstructed,
If no charging station is nearby they will search for one.
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