Mobile Important Information Regarding the Mobile Terraria 1.2.3-4 Update

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There's like 70% chance that its postponed again. Its already oct 21st and we still have no release date or news whatsoever,like Loki said it wouldn't just appear one day,they will tell us before they release it and there's no signs that they're gonna tell us anytime soon.
The current version of Terraria that's on Windows Phone ( doesn't even have any kind of cloud saving support. I've had to start over from scratch 3 times already because of this. While I had earned all the great armor and weapons you can get...

Please tell me that you guys are giving the next version for windows phone cloud saving support because it's very disappointing that you don't care about my save data at all at this point in time.

My phone has a snapdragon 800 and 2 gb RAM so that shouldn't be an issue. (the game runs very smoothly btw, you guys did a great job in that aspect, but the lack of cloud save support is very heartbreaking)
505Games should edit their post and emphasize that this issue is only on iOS so everyone stops asking the same questions.

Along that road, we have news that will affect the small percentage of Terrarians that are still playing on older iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch (iOS devices). We wanted to take some time to share what's going on, why, and our plan here in advance so that you can have time to adjust/ask questions/etc.

If you’re using an iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (with iOS 7 or lower), the supported cloud saving system will not work any longer once the new 1.2.3-4 update arrives. If we just push the update down, it will immediately break old cloud saves for all of those devices, meaning you would lose your world/characters and the ability to cloud save any further

This means that anyone that is running an iOS 7 or less device will NOT receive the upcoming content update.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems pretty clear that it's iOS from those lines? I'll edit in a note about other devices though. :)

There's like 70% chance that its postponed again. Its already oct 21st and we still have no release date or news whatsoever,like Loki said it wouldn't just appear one day,they will tell us before they release it and there's no signs that they're gonna tell us anytime soon.

Could happen, won't say that isn't possible. That said - and to reiterate what I said before - if that were the case, it would be due to continued necessary bug squashing. To me, personally, I would rather that scenario than just pushing it out to hit "October" and then everyone has a pile of bugs to struggle through. I mean, I know no matter what there will be bugs (because that is how game development works - no beta testing can catch what millions of players will), but if they are still catching and fixing bugs within internal testing, then it would be pretty unwise to launch. Just my opinion based on experience. Will see if we can get an update.
Codeglue says me in twitter "Relogic came back with some last minute changes, we are doing our best" when i tweet "october its almost over, and we have not news about terraria, did your plans changed?"
[DOUBLEPOST=1445447550,1445447486][/DOUBLEPOST]So, i think it gonna came out in november
Codeglue says me in twitter "Relogic came back with some last minute changes, we are doing our best" when i tweet "october its almost over, and we have not news about terraria, did your plans changed?"
[DOUBLEPOST=1445447550,1445447486][/DOUBLEPOST]So, i think it gonna came out in november
hey my birthday is in november
Yep, their plan changes :v


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It does not say plans change, It says thay are trying to get rid of a little more bugs and it will be here soon
It does not say plans change, It says thay are trying to get rid of a little more bugs and it will be here soon
That "came back with some last minute changes" its a plan change thing
[DOUBLEPOST=1445460456,1445460433][/DOUBLEPOST]Again, sorry for my bad english
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