Spear discussion thread (Best subclass in the game!)

the wiki classifies weapons by their code rather than name or functionality。 the daybreak and starlight are not really similar in code compared to other swords and spears, instead, falling into the broader "projectile melee" category (different from projectile swords! it means any melee weapon that is only the projectile, like the flying knife or arkhalis。) they are just in the "other" section because the wiki splits weapons into the stricter subclass categories, but they are not technically considered part of one。 although the game calls them swords/spears and they function similarly to them, they are grouped in the wiki by commonalities in code, probably to avoid confusion and/or the need to add too many weapon subgroups。
Yep, its understandable now

Spear mod pre mech bosses spears concepts
you might wanna take a look at this
I have looked at it. It's a neat mod that fixes certain progression gaps. I don't remember how good the spears were against the pre mech bosses and queen slime, but I remember that it was hard to get the North pole with the Chlorophyte partisan using that mod.
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