Your 1.3.1 Update Reactions and Discoveries!? (Plus detailed info and links.)

Alright so after doing some counting, I'd say the unicorn horn drop rate from statue-based unicorns, at least on expert, is somewhere around 5%. At 200 unicorns, I've obtained 14 horns, but at 300 unicorns, I've obtained 16 horns. At 400 unicorns, I've obtained 18 horns, then at 500 I'm at 21 horns.

With a fast enough kill setup it's pretty dang fast. I'm chewing through 2/s with just one statue. They don't seem to drop anything PHM though, but that world was also in normal mode and not expert mode. Too lazy to build a teleporter engine to test it again right now.

I guess I won't need to just /item up Holy Arrows anymore for my tests.
I like the junction boxes and logic gates personally. Mainly because I can make more compact teleporter hubs and there's another 4 layers of wire available with junction boxes.
Capture 2016-05-22 19_52_22.png

Teleporter Hub using logic gates.
Capture 2016-05-22 19_52_48.png


Edit: Realized last night that this could be made in regular 1.3. Going to try and make a teleporter hub with logic gates.


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The Static Hook and The Grand Design are my favorites. I love how you can grapple to the ground and press up to build anything of height easily and in a vertical fashion quickly. The Grand Design's ability to run way off screen and snap hundreds or thousands of wire into place at once is awesome. Conveyors are my new friends for the various invasions... The new logic sensors are really nice. I hooked up a bunch of fireworks to a night sensor, makes it really obvious when nightfall arrives.
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Another great use for logic gates in their repeater function is making a timer turn itself off. No more will birds and bunnies need be sacrificed of this purpose.
You can also trigger a dart trap to shoot a pressure plate now... depending on the spacing you could probably generate a lot longer delay relay shooting darts back and forth before finally exiting to continue the signal along. Likewise, dropping a honey vat through a one square actuated block with a honey sensor could probably create a long delay in a circuit.
Being able to easily turn off timers makes chaining them more practical too, so that's another option. If you want a 1 minute delay, link up 12 five second timers and have a gate turn the last one off. Logic gates could also help by making sure it won't be activated a second time while it's still running (which would likely mess things up).
I'm playing with the aesthetic possibilities for the new wiring mechanics.

I'm playing it simple at the moment with some of the items like the day and night sensors. Rigging one each to an Announcement Board lets you set public messages that will ring every dawn and dusk.

And I put some lights rigged up to both, so that they'll turn on at night but power down during the day.

I used some player above logic gates and actuators and layered them above a pit that functions as a lava trap for mobs.

The logic gates trigger some inactive-state blocks into becoming solid for the player to walk on. This is not without issues in itself, as sometimes there's a delay in activation and the player will fall into the pit and burn to death. I'm musing over a solution. Instead of 5-wide I might try 3-wide with a gap and overlapping the signals so that there's an earlier reaction time.

Rigging player above logic gates to doors does not always work either. My friend somehow keeps breaking the logic and inverting the door signal. Would not recommend using those for doors.
Has anyone managed to get new sensors to trigger teleporters? I tried hooking up player above sensor to it and it did not trigger it, same with night sensor. It triggers light sources, traps, but not teleporters, even if I route it through a logic gate. Same seems to be true for weighted pressure plates. I'm guessing they could be trying to avoid backteleportation from sources that can double trigger, but disabling it completely seems odd. Maybe just a bug? Or I just managed to forget how to connect teleporters?

Edit1: Interestingly, if I trigger teleportation from a switch, while standing on a weighted pressure plate connected to the same wire, I get backteleported, presumably from leaving the weighted pressure plate

Edit2: Sensors only trigger teleporters when teleporting away from their area through the teleporter(rod of discord doesn't trigger it)? Nope, only weighted pressure plates
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Noone else though of making automatically aiming cannons for house defense?
That don't shoot when a player is detected in certain spot? ._.
That seems to be the first thing I though about after playing a little bit.

With a day and night sensors farming should be heavily improved. But first thing I though about - was the calendar. we have 4 wires now, making 2^x bit data storage should be easier now too (considering we have junction boxes aswell)
Has anyone managed to get new sensors to trigger teleporters? I tried hooking up player above sensor to it and it did not trigger it, same with night sensor. It triggers light sources, traps, but not teleporters, even if I route it through a logic gate. Same seems to be true for weighted pressure plates. I'm guessing they could be trying to avoid backteleportation from sources that can double trigger, but disabling it completely seems odd. Maybe just a bug? Or I just managed to forget how to connect teleporters?

Edit1: Interestingly, if I trigger teleportation from a switch, while standing on a weighted pressure plate connected to the same wire, I get backteleported, presumably from leaving the weighted pressure plate

Edit2: Sensors only trigger teleporters when teleporting away from their area through the teleporter(rod of discord doesn't trigger it)? Nope, only weighted pressure plates
I guess there is something else working here. Either when you enter the sensor field you're out of the teleportation field - so it enables, but you don't teleport and when you pull the switch you leave the field and get back teleported. The other option would be that when you enter the field, you trigger a teleport, but being ported you trigger it again and get recalled. Without a safety mechanism i wouldn't use a sensor for teleportation.

I assume you wired it all correctly and the ranges are all good. Maybe the sensor is bugged. Can't say really...

Not quite sure what you mean...?

I meant that now most of the current contraptions and mechanisms could be rewired for simpler schemas and maybe even
Does anyone know how to make a system that resets things to their original state? I'm planning on making some sort of a boss fight where when you hit it enough it swaps to a different phase with different attacks and that resets if you die. I'm thinking of making it have a dummy ghost/skeleton looping on hoiks and it moving to a new loop once a certain action is done, but I'm not sure how to make it reset on death. Maybe it's actuated and the spawn has a sensor that makes it actuate, so the dummy ghost/skeleton falls off. Then I need to make it not reactuate if the player enters the spawn again. Can this be done with logic gates, and does the idea sound possible?
Either when you enter the sensor field you're out of the teleportation field - so it enables, but you don't teleport and when you pull the switch you leave the field and get back teleported. The other option would be that when you enter the field, you trigger a teleport, but being ported you trigger it again and get recalled. Without a safety mechanism i wouldn't use a sensor for teleportation.
I made sure I'm inside teleportation 'field' when I'm triggering the sensors. It's also not a backteleportation issue, because 1) I don't see any teleportation effects which I pretty sure happen even with same tick multiwire activations 2) lightsources hooked up to the wire only toggle once(or an odd number of times). Safety mechanisms will be needed when/if I can actually get it to work.

Also, done some more testing, in new world, with new character(built a setup with old character) and discovered something even weirder. A random zombie wandered onto the teleportation pad when I was triggering it, and it teleported. Further testing showed that it would teleport monster and npcs when I trigger it while standing inside teleportation area, but not me. When I trigger the same wire with a switch, we both teleport(there is an expected backteleportation of the npc if I teleport inside the sensor area or out of it).
Does anyone know how to make a system that resets things to their original state? I'm planning on making some sort of a boss fight where when you hit it enough it swaps to a different phase with different attacks and that resets if you die. I'm thinking of making it have a dummy ghost/skeleton looping on hoiks and it moving to a new loop once a certain action is done, but I'm not sure how to make it reset on death. Maybe it's actuated and the spawn has a sensor that makes it actuate, so the dummy ghost/skeleton falls off. Then I need to make it not reactuate if the player enters the spawn again. Can this be done with logic gates, and does the idea sound possible?
My first idea is to wire up player sensors all around the arena to detect when the player is in it. This will allow enabling the mechanisms when players enter and disable everything when he's out.

You could see examples of this (but with a pressure plate) in the Beta Adventure map, where you have to stand at one spot to "open a way" for shooting teal pressure plates. In your example, all sensors would be linked together to one input of an AND logic gate and other mechanisms to the other, making it only possible to work when you're in the area.
I got an other idea. Instead of a dummy ghost or skeleton, I'll use a dart or spike trap (if they trigger the pressure plates) that hits pressure plates which triggers traps. And when the player's not in the area of the boss, the trap is blocked. I'll test this when i get home.
Edit: Is any app or server that lets you spawn in items updated for 1.3.1? I want to experiment with this a bit but I dont think I have all the things I'll need.
Edit 2: Dart trap projectiles affect pressure plates under them.
Edit 3: Seems like that a dart trap or a spiky ball trap projectile cant trigger itself unless I am doing something wrong. It might hit it before the cooldown is over. Can someone else test this and see if they get it work?
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Edit 3: Seems like that a dart trap or a spiky ball trap projectile cant trigger itself unless I am doing something wrong. It might hit it before the cooldown is over. Can someone else test this and see if they get it work?
Just tested it with super dart traps you seemed to be using. It triggers itself just fine. There needs to be a minimum of 151 tiles in between teal trigger and super dart trap for the cooldown to expire.
[doublepost=1464011068,1464008899][/doublepost]Noticed a picture in Leinfors' profile and only then realized that conveyor belt direction can be changed with wire. Which makes me wonder why steampunker sells them separately and why they don't pick direction based on your facing when placing.
Just tested it with super dart traps you seemed to be using. It triggers itself just fine. There needs to be a minimum of 151 tiles in between teal trigger and super dart trap for the cooldown to expire.
[doublepost=1464011068,1464008899][/doublepost]Noticed a picture in Leinfors' profile and only then realized that conveyor belt direction can be changed with wire. Which makes me wonder why steampunker sells them separately and why they don't pick direction based on your facing when placing.
I think it's the same as with inputs. You can buy them seperately or use one of the type and switch them using the wand (as i assume the wand activates them also).
I made a quick post about dart trap engines. It might be able to replace hoik dummy ghost engines, but I'm not yet sure of its full capabilities. If someone has time and wants to test it further, go ahead.
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