Standalone [1.3] tModLoader - A Modding API

Blue, you should host a poll saying what the next update should be about. Like json support?....... But in all honesty, people just want the old mods back. I mean, everyone misses Exxo Avalon, Thorium, Necro, etc.
Sorry for posting both here and on Discord, but... Whenever I have attempted to build/compile a mod (This is OS X El Capitan by the way), I get an error that says the following:

(0,0) : error : Corlib not in sync with this runtime: expected corlib version 117, found 111.
(0,0) : error : Loaded from: /Users/Tyler/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Terraria/
(0,0) : error : Download a newer corlib or a newer runtime at

However, when I update to a newer version of Mono (To get an updated mscorlib.dll), I get a runtime error, saying it can't find the directory for Mono 4.0.2. So I took the mscorlib from the patched "" and replaced it with the Mono 4.0.2 corlib, and vice-versa, and tested all possible corlib combos, and it would always give me either a compile or a runtime error (I assumed this would work since earlier it was saying it "wasn't in sync [with the Mono framework]", and I am typically able to solve these issues on my own, but this one is over my head :P).

So I assume that the answer to my question would be, to install a specific Mono version, and if so, which one?
hey! In my game the spawn rate is lesser in the tmodloader 0.6 (example: in blood moon only 7 bloody zombies appeared and 3 dripplers, no one the groom and no one The bride) . It's only in my game?
Blue, you should host a poll saying what the next update should be about. Like json support?....... But in all honesty, people just want the old mods back. I mean, everyone misses Exxo Avalon, Thorium, Necro, etc.
If this had support for tAPI mods, this would be called tAPI, not tModLoader. Please try to understand that there's a reason tAPI was discontinued (too hard to update to 1.3), and that this same reason is exactly why tModLoader doesn't support tAPI mods. I'm trying to keep development of tModLoader focused; otherwise, it will end up with a bunch of unfinished miscellaneous stuff everywhere, with no direction in anything.

Sorry for posting both here and on Discord, but... Whenever I have attempted to build/compile a mod (This is OS X El Capitan by the way), I get an error that says the following:

However, when I update to a newer version of Mono (To get an updated mscorlib.dll), I get a runtime error, saying it can't find the directory for Mono 4.0.2. So I took the mscorlib from the patched "" and replaced it with the Mono 4.0.2 corlib, and vice-versa, and tested all possible corlib combos, and it would always give me either a compile or a runtime error (I assumed this would work since earlier it was saying it "wasn't in sync [with the Mono framework]", and I am typically able to solve these issues on my own, but this one is over my head :p).

So I assume that the answer to my question would be, to install a specific Mono version, and if so, which one?
So, Terraria has this weird system of launching on Mac/Linux with Mono that makes it so that the runtime compiler doesn't work. So basically you'll have to precompile the mod into a dll file the same way you would make a normal program, then use those to build the mod instead of your actual source. There's more information in the noCompile part of the build.txt documentation.

hey! In my game the spawn rate is lesser in the tmodloader 0.6 (example: in blood moon only 7 bloody zombies appeared and 3 dripplers, no one the groom and no one The bride) . It's only in my game?
Looks like someone needs to sacrifice to RNGesus :P
So, Terraria has this weird system of launching on Mac/Linux with Mono that makes it so that the runtime compiler doesn't work. So basically you'll have to precompile the mod into a dll file the same way you would make a normal program, then use those to build the mod instead of your actual source. There's more information in the noCompile part of the build.txt documentation.
Ok, so I am apparently installing something wrong. I have pre-compiled the mod into a dll, and it still gives the same error. Do I need to package the referenced libraries in with the mod itself? Or am I just being an idiot and forgetting something obvious? :P
Ok, so I am apparently installing something wrong. I have pre-compiled the mod into a dll, and it still gives the same error. Do I need to package the referenced libraries in with the mod itself? Or am I just being an idiot and forgetting something obvious? :p
You made sure to set noCompile to true in build.txt, right?
Yes, I'm not exactly sure what I even could have done, besides maybe installing something wrong?
Installation couldn't have gone wrong; literally all it does is copy the tModLoader files. The key here is that you're getting compile errors, when the compiler shouldn't be called in the first place.
what can i do with the LightBeam mod from ModBrowser??????????????????????????????????????????????
Good question, according to Google translate of this site:
"1) Get the legendary essence of light and make unique items and armor
2) Kill the Guardian of Light, 3 brothers protect light credo
In fashion there are about 80 content "
-- so yeah...dunno, there are a bunch of armors and tools though. And a light machine, but I didn't know what it could craft.
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