Terraria is Live - Changelog Included

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Yes I beat all the bosses in the game, on that world (my main world) and he wouldn't spawn, cultists alive or dead, could never find a single probe.
Good evening Terrarians, is now live! Now that 1.3 is in a good place the Terraria team will be taking a much needed break while @Skiphs continues to chip away at the Mac/Linux port. Thanks again for your on going support and patience, you guys rock. <3

  • Added Celestial Sigil, a summoning item for the final boss. (craftable)
  • Moonbite duration has been reduced by 1 second in expert mode and 3 seconds in normal mode.
  • Living leaf walls now count as safe for housing!
  • Buffed Phantasm a bit. (it really was bugged!)
  • Martian drone rarity lowered in Sky Biome (Still higher than original)
  • Martian Drone now shows up on Rare Creature Finder.
  • Vortex and Nebula weapons have been rebalanced to fit some bug fixes they went through.
  • Portal gun bolt speed quadrupled so you can no longer travel faster than your bolt.
  • Eater of Worlds expert mode Vile Spit damage has been reduced.
  • Damage from spikes now checks for immunity separately from other effects.
New cong options:
  • Added Config.json setting "ReverseUpDownForArmorSetBonuses", off by default, if you set it on: stardust and vortex armors will use the UP key instead of DOWN key to trigger set bonuses

  • Fixed Quickstack to all chests not updating recipes list.
  • Fixed "Distorted" debuff freezing players in place rather than changing their movement pattern.
  • Fixed Cute Fishron and Unicorn mounts not having their tooltips.
  • Fixed and earlier versions of worlds not loading successfully under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed issue where you could use items when hovering between the item slots on the bottom row of the inventory.
  • Fixed issue where Drill Containment Unit's mining code would cause unnecessary lag in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Cultists ritual blocking Martian Probe from spawning.
  • Potentially fixed Stardust Dragon desync issue.
  • Fixed Solar Tablet being usable in pre-hardmode, night time or during a solar eclipse under rare circumstances.
  • Fixed some banner names.
  • Fixed Dryad's ward buff reducing npc defense instead of buffing it (and npcs having dryads ward defense when they dont have the buff)
  • Fixed (super rare) bug where hittable projectiles showed HP on mouse hover.
  • Fixed Portal Gun's portals not allowing players to teleport to spots near nonsolid platforms.
  • Fixed Cosmic Car shadow trail glows not fading.
  • Fixed Hades/Loki's dyes causing strange behaviors.
  • Fixed some oddities about portal gates.
  • Fixed a rare lighting crash.
  • Fixed Goblin Scouts despawning not spawning.
  • Fixed vortex weapons not scaling with ranged damage or knockback.
  • Fixed bug that let you quick stack coins that were not in coin slot or hotbar to other chests.
  • Fixed bug where holding pet items would not bring up the equipment page.
  • Fixed torch dupe bug.
  • Fixed all the spider hitboxes when on walls.
  • Fixed chests which turn into big mimics on multiplayer would no longer allow destroying another chest that would be placed in their position.
  • Fixed 'final boss flies to space' bug.
  • Fixed Seedler projectiles not counting as melee / not getting flask effects.
  • Fixed Hoplite enemy javelins showing flask visual effects in singleplayer.
  • Fixed issue where WoF's 'The Hungry''s ropes would turn invisible.
  • Fixed Lunar Hook not allowing you to use the hooks freely unless at least 1 is placed.
  • Fixed being able to open money trough when the game is paused.
Found 1, and I have way to many xeno staves, if you don't know, I am at the point where I have most items in game, just need a few rarities, then i can say I have em all :P (Gonna get the bone key from th guardian soon again :D)
Found 1, and I have way to many xeno staves, if you don't know, I am at the point where I have most items in game, just need a few rarities, then i can say I have em all :p (Gonna get the bone key from th guardian soon again :D)
also use the reply button
good luck killing the dungeon guardian..its a feat I don't want to attempt :P..and you should totally check out the comic in my signature down below :)
you CAN teleport to your home with the nurse right next to you to heal quickly..once you have around 150 hp left of course since he now follows you if you get too far away..and if you're really having trouble just turn auto-pause on like I do..because I need a way to pause the game :3
They literally just nerfed him.

Nope.did everything that everyone else has done and i only made it to his 3rd form with. Daybrake,solar eruption beetle armor UFO mounts nebula blaze dragon minion
pumpkin pie,ironskin, regen and celestial shell :'( that was my 6th attempt killing him help plz
Nope.did everything that everyone else has done and i only made it to his 3rd form with. Daybrake,solar eruption beetle armor UFO mounts nebula blaze dragon minion
pumpkin pie,ironskin, regen and celestial shell :'( that was my 6th attempt killing him help plz
heres the ONLY way you can possibly beat him: bring the nurse to your spawn point (or make a bed at the nurses house) then when you're at 150 or so hp use the magic mirror and heal as fast as possible..he will teleport to you and possibly hurt some NPCs but its worth it to be able to take him down..then fly away from your home and continue the fight
Yes they did... they reduced his tentacle duration by 3 seconds (1 second on expert) Don't have any experience killing him with melee. I'd suggest create a wall above you to block his laser and just dodge other attacks under the wall rather than flying around. Use Solar Eruption to hit through the wall. Aside from that put some healing items around such as campfires heart lanterns and heart statues.

I don't know, I beat him using Tiki Armor, Starcells, and Nebula Blaze while flying around him in a circle dodging stuff. Oh, and lots of healing potions.

Edit: I also didn't use any of the things I recommended for you. (like the wall or the healing items)
heres the ONLY way you can possibly beat him: bring the nurse to your spawn point (or make a bed at the nurses house) then when you're at 150 or so hp use the magic mirror and heal as fast as possible..he will teleport to you and possibly hurt some NPCs but its worth it to be able to take him down..then fly away from your home and continue the fight

Entirely false >.> That is certainly one (cheesey) way to beat him, but it is no where near the only way.

Plus, a better way to do that would be to go to the nurse manually, as you are just a little faster than the Moon Lord. That way you can potentially get in and back out before he slaughters everyone. After healing mirror away from the house.
Entirely false >.> That is certainly one (cheesey) way to beat him, but it is no where near the only way.

Plus, a better way to do that would be to go to the nurse manually, as you are just a little faster than the Moon Lord. That way you can potentially get in and back out before he slaughters everyone. After healing mirror away from the house.
well sorry..i could have changed my words more..but I've only done it that one way..by the time I beat him the first time he got buffed with that teleport and every time after that I didn't need the nurse :/..so..i assumed it would work out alright..but I guess not :(
Ok... another method on how to beat the moon lord? Three words.

Rod. of. Discord.

Well either that or what Soulstiger said. ^^

I feel your pain... personally, I thought NORMAL was too hard... oh well... some sadistic people in charge here :)
I flattened the entire surface of my small world and put a minecart track the entire length of my world... now I can just start the cart, stay in front of him, and fire chlorophyte bullets (with ichor buff) at him with that dolphin gun I got from him (on normal before they changed it)... that way I don't have to aim or dodge anything... just one key back and forth :)

(oh, and I also put super dart traps in the center of my world firing outward from 4 squares above the surface to about 50 squares above the surface... so he gets plastered the entire time he is alive with darts... the pillers, too... and the cultists for that matter... lol - Nothing lives in the air on my world :) )

I feel your pain... personally, I thought NORMAL was too hard... oh well... some sadistic people in charge here :)
I flattened the entire surface of my small world and put a minecart track the entire length of my world... now I can just start the cart, stay in front of him, and fire chlorophyte bullets (with ichor buff) at him with that dolphin gun I got from him (on normal before they changed it)... that way I don't have to aim or dodge anything... just one key back and forth :)

(oh, and I also put super dart traps in the center of my world firing outward from 4 squares above the surface to about 50 squares above the surface... so he gets plastered the entire time he is alive with darts... the pillers, too... and the cultists for that matter... lol )

Well then lol. At that point I would have just built a system like that afk farm posted earlier lol
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