Other Art [Program] darthmorf's Terraria Logo Maker


Staff member

Hello everyone!
Terraria Logo Maker is a web-based (pure HTML5 + javascript) application allowing you to make your own Terraria themed logos.
It supports a few custom themes other than the default, Overworld, (most created by awesome members of this community - all are credited on the site.)

You can check out the source code in the github repo: darthmorf/Terraria-Logo-Maker-2




Creating a new theme is a lot of work, but it's not complicated. It'd be awesome if you guys would make some to support the program!
I recommend before you start out making a few normal logos to get the hang of it, using Devilbro's guide: [link]

Before any info on how to actually make them, it's important to know how they must be structured.
  • TLM will support any ascii character. Each character image should be in png format, with the name of the file being it's ascii value. For example '&' has an ascii value of 38, so the '&' file would be called '38.png' (you can look up the values here: [link] - look at the value marked 'Dec' for decimal).
  • All images must be in a folder with the name of the folder being the name of the theme.
  • As well as the ascii characters, the theme should include a tree equivalent (titled 'tree.png').
  • For the logo to end properly, the theme must also include a start image ('start.png') and an end image ('end.png'). These wrap off the ends, so the logo doesn't stop without closing.
  • Don't forget to add a space character as well - (ascii value 38) you can do this easily by using the start and end images together.
There is a template set that you're welcome to look at and modify to make your own that can be downloaded here: [link]

If you make a theme, or an additional set of characters for an existing theme, post a link to them in this thread and I'll include it in the maker.
If you encounter any bugs or have a suggestion, don't hesitate to make a post!

If you use logos made from this, please give credit by linking this thread or the site itself!

Also check out my other Terraria program - T-Backup: [link]

Hello, and welcome to my latest project; a custom Terraria Logo generator!
It simply takes some input text, and allows you to save it as a Terraria Logo image.
There is even support for custom themes - but that will be discussed later.

Please note - the sprites at the moment are heavily WIP and thusly the logos produced aren't of the highest quality.


- V1.01
- V1.0

View the source code on github.

For the program to work, simply extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to a folder of your choice, and run the executable.
This program is written in C# - you may have trouble getting it to run on non-windows PCs.

Terraria Logo Maker Currently Ships with one theme:
- Overworld (Thanks to @MinieK and @Eli10293 )

Optional Bonus themes:
- Snow (Thanks to @Xavitar!)

To install a new theme, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the folder you extracted the zip to.
  2. Drop the folder into the 'Textures' folder. (It should exist, but if it doesn't, create it.)
  3. ????
  4. Profit.
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This is some great work, I can remember when you used to make those by yourself, it's a nice and sweet idea to make this to save you a lot of time :guidesmile:

A bit of feedback, the lowercase 't' is placed rather high, making it looking pretty off compared with the other lettres. maybe placing them one 'block' lower might fix that. Also, there's no notification that it's saved, so I cannot be sure if it did saved it or not.

Overall, it's working simple, fast and shows off direct results. Good job on it!

I hope for more themes later. maybe even matching all of TCF ones, that would be very nice :guidesmile:
This is some great work, I can remember when you used to make those by yourself, it's a nice and sweet idea to make this to save you a lot of time :guidesmile:

A bit of feedback, the lowercase 't' is placed rather high, making it looking pretty off compared with the other lettres. maybe placing them one 'block' lower might fix that. Also, there's no notification that it's saved, so I cannot be sure if it did saved it or not.
Yep! It's on the list.
Overall, it's working simple, fast and shows off direct results. Good job on it!
Thanks! It's great to hear.
I hope for more themes later. maybe even matching all of TCF ones, that would be very nice :guidesmile:
Hopefully some of the talented artists on TCF will donate some themes/letter patches etc. I'll probably make some more eventually too.

If anyone knows some that might be interested or able to help, please let them and/or me know!
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I posted on the accidentally made duplicate thread.
But that one got deleted, alongside with my message. So I'll repost it here:
ayy lmao

This is something that I found really awesome, and something that I will propably contribute more to in the future. (Currently planning on trying to do some work on some new themes, and do some 'optimization', if you can call it so.)
I have a problem... The enders don't seem to fit onto the letters, they just float on the side of each
-Check if the directory for textures doesn't exist, currently it crashes if the Textures directory doesn't exist
-It doesn't work on other platforms because you use \\ instead of Path.DirectorySeperatorChar. C#/WinForms works on linux, generally well.
-It shows the start/end chars together if it ends in a space.
--That whole code block is somewhat unreadable.
-Use a SaveFileDialog for saving the image
-Add folder.Name instead of folder for the theme dialog (for linux compatibility)
-Why don't you just load the images to variables in mainForm instead of getting it from file every time?

It's really cool how you did this!
Yeah, I had a few critiques/bugs, but it works!
EDIT: Added a bugfixed source code.


  • Terraria-Logo-Maker-bugfixed.zip
    913.5 KB · Views: 524
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-Check if the directory for textures doesn't exist, currently it crashes if the Textures directory doesn't exist
-It doesn't work on other platforms because you use \\ instead of Path.DirectorySeperatorChar. C#/WinForms works on linux, generally well.
-It shows the start/end chars together if it ends in a space.
--That whole code block is somewhat unreadable.
-Use a SaveFileDialog for saving the image
-Add folder.Name instead of folder for the theme dialog (for linux compatibility)
-Why don't you just load the images to variables in mainForm instead of getting it from file every time?

It's really cool how you did this!
Yeah, I had a few critiques/bugs, but it works!
EDIT: Added a bugfixed source code.
The first one is already done in my local build.
Thanks for the linux advice, I've never coded for that platform before.
I can add some comments etc to hope it gets easier to read.
I prefer loading them when they're needed so that there isn't a loading time when it starts up.
I prefer loading them when they're needed so that there isn't a loading time when it starts up.
It's minimal when using ASCII. If you had something like most of Unicode-16, then it would take a while.
Anyway, if you wanted to do something more than ASCII you could code a character sprite generator into the program, to create images for characters as needed (async obviously)
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I made procedurally generated monospace characters for all of UTF-16 in the Overworld theme, as well as an underworld one. The letters look odd in the underworld due to it being monospaced.
Onedrive link
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