Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated. These will make great additions to Terraria, and they were chosen by the community at large, and it's nice to see most of the comments tend toward the positive side.
This part is a notice to everyone moving forward, and it applies to every section of this forum.
Throughout the years, this community has been blessed with many terrific artists who have shared their love of Terraria with us. Many of those artists are talented enough and respected enough that they can take commissions for specific artwork, and a few even work full-time as artists. Most of them use DeviantArt or other sites as the main platform for this work, and some of it is of a mature or explicit nature.
As long as they aren't posting/advertising it here, we don't care.
If you - as an individual - are disappointed in some or all of the winners, that's understandable. I didn't vote for all of the winners either - that's the nature of contests. It is also fine to express that disappointment
in a civil and respectful manner. The decisions have been made now, and it's a done deal at this point. Re-Logic outlined at the start how this contest was going to be handled, and that's exactly how it was handled.
However, a very few of you are not being respectful, and there has been some attempts at public shaming of one or more of the artists and their work. This goes far beyond what is acceptable here.
It is nothing less than slander and it will not be tolerated. You may feel you have a right to voice your extreme biases about certain aspects of artwork you don't like, but you also bear the responsibility of upholding
the rules of conduct for this forum. Also, publicly posting links to explicit images has always been and remains punishable by swift and permanent ejection from this forum - it is not even up for discussion. Being "new" here is not an excuse to break
our most basic rules.
Every one of the 25 finalists were chosen by Re-Logic, and they were willing to include
any of them into their game. Not one of the 25 submission was inappropriate in any way, and each submission stands on its own. To imply now that one or more of them are unacceptable by some tenuous association to other work is not worth discussion.
As I said - the vast majority of you are making reasonable and generous comments, and I applaud that. Please continue to do so. But a small number of you need to learn to check your hate and biases at the door when you come here, or you'll find yourselves on the other side of said door.