OOC Voidtouched Reality

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The Rust

Headless Horseman
Voidtouched Reality
V1.1 - The Lore & More update

another RP by Fluxxation

The story of Voidtouched Reality isn’t one of saving the world, it’s one of trying to fix it. You’ve already lost.. by a lot. You’re practically trying to hang on because of how close you are to losing completely.

It all begins with an elder god known as Licentia. He simply wants all of the universe to become one with him. He corrupts and transforms worlds to fit his will. He has been around since the dawn of time. He is nigh unkillable, and can survive direct exposure to the worst the universe can throw at you.

Around 7000 years ago, Licentia came to earth, raining down massive void orbs, immediately corrupting around 10 percent of the planet. People tried to fight the hideous creatures that emerged from the void, but they only became part of the void themselves. He landed, shattering a third of the planet with a stomp, anchoring himself to the core and corrupting it from within. In a few weeks time, 85 percent of the world was corrupted.

The universe desires balance above all else. So from the depths of a dying star arose a hero so powerful that he was contained by the elder gods. Integritas. He raced to earth, landing within a church in the center of the still pure parts of earth, and he began to push back against the the void, a radiant sunshine blinding and melting all those inside the church. He closed the doors, and then fortified himself to continue pushing.

Over the next few thousands of years, he slowly lost, the space growing a few inches smaller every day, both gods weakening exponentially in the process, still going and driven by their deep hate for each other, which seemed to be wired into the both of them even though they have never met.

Today. 99.99972 percent of earth has been corrupted by the void. There’s a small island and a bit of water around it that hasn’t been corrupted yet. Another 50 years and soon this battle will be lost, and earth will fall. Or will it..? The elder god sits within a throne halfway around the world directly opposite to our hero, Integritas. Touching the void is very quickly lethal, and not very much can push the void back.

Tell me, hero. Do you have what it takes to try and save this world? Do you even think it worthwhile to protect what little hope humanity has?

Licentia is an elder god who’s obsession with corruption lead to his desire for earth. He wields immense power and can kill the average human with very little effort. He is one of the wisest beings in the universe, but yet he is blinded by his desire for control.

Integritas is an ancient warrior designed by the elder gods should one of them betray the others. He’s imbued with holy light, divine power, and the exact abilities to counter any of the elder gods. He was locked away inside of a star and put dormant until a time in which he was needed. He is also quite wise, but he is blinded by a desire for power.

The concept of alliance is rather simple. You’re one of 6 things.

Void: You ARE a void creature and therefore obviously fight for the void
Void supporter: You ARE NOT a void creature but are a pure anarchist, wanting the world to end.
Pure: you ARE NOT a void creature and want to restore the world
Pure supporter: You are a sentient and not originally corrupt void creature (as corrupted are mentally forced to fight for the void) and you want the world to restored.
Unaffiliated: You don’t care what happens, whoever promises better rewards gets your help
Mercenary: Similar to those unaffiliated, but often still choosing to work for a side.
I created this concept as a balance system. This is not an either or as the title may suggest, but more of a basis for characters.
Simply put, magic is usually much better at cleansing and restoring, and mechanical weapons/not magic weapons are way better and destroying void creatures. This means both must work in synergy to both heal the land and defeat swarms of void creatures/cleanse friendlies.
In order to maintain a fair power gradient and make sure that you don’t just teleport over and curbstomp Licentia, I’m going to balance check most characters and make sure most are at or below a certain point. Please understand I’m not trying to be a killjoy, I just don’t want to ruin the premise of the RP.

The void can be pushed back a bit via sunlight/purelight weapons. This takes a toll on the weapon, and based on your characters abilities/race can mean it breaks rather fast or may break slower. While you can cleanse areas briefly, within a few minutes they usually revert to their original state.

Cleansing a Voidtouched person is much more difficult, it usually involves the perfect amount of exposure, not enough to destroy them, but enough to slowly melt the void from them. Sometimes it’s smarter to amputate areas of void exposure if you aren’t within an area that has the peace and assurance that you need to make sure you aren’t attacked during a cleansing.

Cleansing a fully voidtouched person is even more difficult. As they will fight back much harder and require exposure to Integritas himself to heal. This is difficult cause exposure to Integritas as a pure person causes severe burns, and when close enough, even incineration.
Exposure to the void causes corruption. It starts with a surface level corruption. The void is sentient, so it slowly attempts to cover the person fully, once this happens, said person begins to be slowly eaten away inside of their void casing and replaced with void. Once the process is complete, the outer shell hardens and warps and the Voidtouched becomes a void creature, gaining access to void abilities and magic. Almost all Voidtouched you encounter were once people. The longer a voidtouched is in the void, the less human they appear, and the stronger they become. Some of the largest and oldest voidtouched resemble giant hellish creatures and have insanely powerful void magic and abilities. After long enough, a voidtouched being also looses the ability to speak, and can only communicate with other voidtouched beings. Said person also slowly loses their memories over this time. Void corruption causes a person to mindlessly fight for the void against their will unless cleansed. However, originally voidspawned creatures possess a clear mind, however, they’re usually so indoctrinated or otherwise afraid of their leader that they fight for the void.
The land corrupted by the void is very strange. The illusion that Licentia wants to create is that the whole world is a ruined mess of blobs of void, but that is very untrue. The closer the land is to the border of the light, the more it seems like reverse evolution. There’s a ring of bubbling and churning void surrounding the pure area for about 5 miles. This has primarily nothing in it. Possibly a few lesser void beings, or those who recently were dragged or fell in. About 25 miles outside of that, there’s a band of what seems like cooling void. There’s streams of it still churning, but most of it is solid and rocky. There’s almost nothing here also. Beyond that there’s a weird water-less ocean which extends for a while. Here there are very ancient voidtouched beings, they’re so old that they’ve lost all touch of humanity and hunt like the ancient creatures of the past. There are some plants and an entire food chain here. Beyond that there’s grasslands and then forests, actual biomes coming too. Whole ecosystems there, but slightly smarter and less animalistic voidtouched there, still very ancient. Getting somewhat close to the center there are primitive groups of voidtouched who still seem rather human, making groups, talking in their own language, among other things. After they finally start loosing it, they’re sent into the wilds just beyond. Inside of this, in a few mile radius of the epicenter of the void, there’s a medieval city with a wall and the most human of the voidtouched, in the center a castle with the master of the void himself. There are some voidtouched which Licentia wants to keep as they are, or empower without forcing them
To grow older. These are his advisors, warriors, and guards. They reside within the city.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The first 5 miles corrupt on contact, the next 25 corrupt if you touch the ground or the vents of churning void. Only the voidtouched are the worries of corruption from that point onward. The void settles into a non corruptive state after calming down enough.

Purelight is a divinely blessed stream of still light. It packs the power of the velocity of light, but sits perfectly still.
Integritas spews this light from himself. The massive beacon he generates from the hole in the church is where it’s collected. The divine blacksmiths that he created out of Purelight collect it using their forging tools and slow it to its motionless state.
Purelight is used with metals or other materials to make Purelight weapons. To attain a Purelight weapon (each character can have one only) visit one of the divine blacksmiths near the church at the center of the island.

Rarely, Purelight can be used in magic, but this is nigh unheard of and requires great arcane ability to attain. Magic imbued with Purelight acts more like voidtouch, being powerful but very very limited in lifetime.
Purelight weapons and magic have total contact immunity to void corruption. They can be swung at incredible speeds and pack a massive punch.
Being in the void with a Purelight weapon or continuous use of one causes it to slowly loose its energy over a matter of weeks to months depending on use and intensity of use. These can be taken to the blacksmith to be restored, but a blacksmith won’t “top you off”. Your weapon will only be restored if it’s very close to losing all of its light or if it’s burnt out entirely. As a weapon gets dimmer, it’s speed and punch weaken.

Voidtouch is the magic that courses through void creatures. The larger and more powerful they are, the more Voidtouch they generate.
Voidtouch is created constantly inside of a void creature and is topped off as long as said void creature is within the void.
Voidtouch is used by the creature in possession of it by any means of magic. It varies greatly in use.

Voidtouch can rarely be used in weapons. This is only possible with a great weapons master with the will to imbue their weapon. In this case it’ll act more like Purelight. Lasting longer and causing the weapon of choice to corrupt upon contact.
Voidtouch magic is very potent and variable. It can be used in fast attacks or slow attacks, strong or weak attacks.
Voidtouch magic cannot corrupt beings unless a constant stream into a direct area is present. If a void creature is outside of the void, using Voidtouch will weaken the character and they won’t be replenished.

The void is already described in the earlier sections.

The pure area is a tropical looking sandy oblong island. There’s a border of sand about 20-25 feet around the shore that fades into rocky grass and later some small plains and forests. One fifth of the island is the sustainable farms and animals. That being the far left side. Scattered through the rest of the island are little stone houses alongside a few makeshift open air shelters. There’s a large stone town hall a bit off center, its a few hundred feet from the church. The church with the beacon and Integritas sits directly at the center. The island is littered with scraps of all sorts and random bits of advanced technology. Everyone continually creates pop up shelters that last for a while that are then taken down. There’s about 500-700 feet of ocean all around before the churning wall of the void and the barrier of divine light collide.

For the most part, the technology on the island is primitive. Most people have either the clothing they had on entry, armor, or something they bought from the small clothing market. Everything else is a mix. The tools and gear countless people have brought on entry has piled up and got lost throughout the island. Maybe if you search enough, you could find something neat?

You enter the island Via a portal that integritas summoned, or you were one of the few hundred actual residents on the island that have lived there for many of generations. The portal that you were taken into appeared randomly very near you and caused you and whatever was near you to fall in. Opening a few feet in the air in a various spot around the island. Integritas started opening random portals as he truly began losing not very long ago (100-150 years)

The weather on the island is always the same. You can see the sun for most of the day, besides the horizons and about the 10th of the sky nearest them. The sky is always blue and cloudless, and it’s always tropical heat.

Even when the sun sets, it’s bright outside. The sky turns golden blue during the night and dims a bit, but it’s still the brightness of early sunset at it’s darkest.

The goal of the purity is to fix the world, or restore it to its original state.
Completely variable depending on the person, but they all have access to Purelight weapons and the support of the entire purity.
Free thinking
free thinking
internal strife
The boundaries of a standard character would be the edge of the void. As contact with the void means corruption. If they possess a purelight weapon, this could be delayed depending on how well the weapon works. Traveling in a group makes venturing into the void actually possible if enough cleansing power is met.

The goal of the void is to take over the rest of the world, and after that, the other worlds.
The creatures of the void can all teleport around the void to any location. The accuracy and distance a creature can teleport depends on its strength. All void creatures can corrupt ANYTHING they come into physical or prolonged magical contact with. They do this intentionally or unintentionally. Void creatures also passively heal unless killed inside of the void. Others vary on the specific creature.
Unwavering dedication to the void (usually)
massive advantage in numbers
magical attacks
area to roam
Brainwashed or mentally controlled (usually)
can be destroyed much easier than cleansed
melee combat (usually)
lack of technology
unable to think freely
A void creature can go anywhere (besides the void city unless granted special access) inside of the void via teleporting. They do however risk being injured or killed by a much more savage and inhuman void creature in some of the more wild areas. When entering the purity, a void creature looses its regeneration of magic and healing. It also slowly begins to melt from the divine light it’s in contact with. The more magic it uses, the weaker it gets. Reaching the island will significantly weaken a void creature, and being within a few hundred feet of the church is to the point where the creature starts dissolving. Anything closer and the creature risks being incinerated. They can corrupt in the purity, but it’s much harder and requires much more time. It can also be healed much faster in the purity.

The goal of Mercenaries ranges greatly. The Mercenaries are combatants from other worlds who often come to this one to fight for something, usually a reward or a treasure. They often side with the void, but sometimes side with the purity too.
These range massively depending on the recruit, but most void mercenaries are given a void charm by Licentia upon their arrival, allowing them to traverse the void without being corrupted.
Often the support of one group.
Usually plenty of space to roam.
Often work alone
Can be killed easily if their job goes south
Can lose support of their hirer if job goes south
These range greatly, but void mercenaries can often traverse the entire planet safely. Purity mercenaries or unaffiliated mercenaries are sometimes also able to traverse the void.

This RP doesn’t necessarily hinge on NPCs, but they are necessary. For the most part I handle most of the NPCs, but some can be handled by others.

Heres a list and their Hex codes.

Licentia - me

Integritas - me

Ancient/greater voidspawn - me

lesser voidspawn - anyone

Divine blacksmiths - me

random townsfolk - anyone

Thank you for reading this. Now please keep reading until this is finished. For stuff such as magic and technology, it’s COMPLETELY FINE to do some of both, but you can’t be a cyborg archmage with a minigun. What I’m saying is. You can’t be the best of both worlds. You can be pretty good in one, ok in the other, or maybe just ok in both. Maybe all of one and none of the other. For this reason, I’d like percentages on what you specialize in with said character so I can understand how they work.


Magic/technology ratio: 85% M 15% T

along with this, you DONT need to fill something. You can be ok with technology and have no magic whatsoever as an example.


Magic/technology ratio: 0% M 45% T

also, don’t go above 100%, that doesn’t make sense and suggesting that kind of power is probably not going to be allowed.

LAST THING, didn’t know where to put this, but void creatures can spawn anywhere in the void, just try and have it make sense where they might be based on power level and if they have city access or not.

Hex color:
Void, Purity, or Mercenary (if void, originally void or corrupted?):
Alliance (Void, Purity, or Neutral?):
Magic/Technology ratio:
Weapons, armor, tools:


Andddd I think that’s it! You can put in character submissions now. Tell me if you catch any typos or think of any other things I should add! Help is always appreciated!

Link to IC: IC - Voidtouched Reality
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Interesting...although I'm not sure what the Alliance, Magic or Mechanical and Power Gradient are supposed to mean.
those were boxes I never got to finish, I just put them there so I wouldn’t forget for later. I would’ve finished it last night but it was late and I felt lazy. Today my eagle project beneficiary suddenly decided to email me that the project now was prepped for my team and they were awaiting me without giving me any of the needed information for me to advance and ALSO be ready.. so today I’ve got a lot of sorting stuff out to do before I work on this. I’m gonna try and finish it sometime tonight.

Claiming my spot as first character AND first villain. :D

Name: Pentilanth (or just Pen)
Age: 3,600
Gender: Male (Undead)
Hex color: 301934
Void or Purity: Void Created babyyyy
Alliance: EVIL! Or void. Not really Licentia since he wants to be the new Void Leader. or at least just second in command.
Appearance: A pure white skeleton wreathed in shadows, often taking the form of a trench coat which flows to his feet. The collar is always popped. Has a deep pink/purpley glow in the center of his eye sockets and slight pink/purpley runege on his bones.
Specialization: Necromancy and Void Magic.
Magic/Technology ratio: 100% M and 0% T
Abilities: Able to control any creature who has been consumed by the void. Gravitates to the more skeletonized creatures and will create them if needed. Likes creating amalgamations of skeletons such as the Hyperskeleton, the Bonedragon, and the Demibone.
Weapons, armor, tools: Mostly his magic, but does have a bone repair kit he keeps on hand. Heavily relies on the Void.
Strengths: Magic, strong mental fortitude, a huge mass of skeletons (commands an army of 200 strong and is looking to increase its size,) fights against the hivemind of the Void but does fall under occasionally.
Weaknesses: Very brittle since he's so old. Absolutely abhors technology and refuses to try and make an attempt to understand it. Has a lot of pride and was voted "Most Likely to Die to Hubris."
backstory: Working on it.
homeworld: Earth.
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Claiming my spot as first character AND first villain. :D

Name: Pentilanth (or just Pen)
Age: 3,600
Gender: Male (Undead)
Hex color: 301934
Void or Purity: Void babyyyy
Alliance: EVIL! Or void. Not really Licentia since he wants to be the new Void Leader. or at least just second in command.
Appearance: A pure white skeleton wreathed in shadows, often taking the form of a trench coat which flows to his feet. The collar is always popped. Has a deep pink/purpley glow in the center of his eye sockets and slight pink/purpley runege on his bones.
Specialization: Necromancy and Void Magic.
Magic/Technology ratio: 100% M and 0% T
Abilities: Able to control any creature who has been consumed by the void. Gravitates to the more skeletonized creatures and will create them if needed. Likes creating amalgamations of skeletons such as the Hyperskeleton, the Bonedragon, and the Demibone.
Weapons, armor, tools: Mostly his magic, but does have a bone repair kit he keeps on hand. Heavily relies on the Void.
Strengths: Magic, strong mental fortitude, a huge mass of skeletons (commands an army of 200 strong and is looking to increase its size,) fights against the hivemind of the Void but does fall under occasionally.
Weaknesses: Very brittle since he's so old. Absolutely abhors technology and refuses to try and make an attempt to understand it. Has a lot of pride and was voted "Most Likely to Die to Hubris."
backstory: Working on it.
homeworld: Earth.

So, I'm just going to mention that I like the concept, and the part of me that wants to be involved with absolutely everything wants to join, but I'm afraid this is a case where I'll have to draw the line and say no. Mainly due to conflicting writing between the lore of this RP and that of not just my characters and their worlds, but also somewhat my general expecations for things. And second issue is that the character options feel a bit too restrictive for what I'm generally used to, and thirdly I am currently trying to get some other RPs back on the rails and moving again. But this does interest me enough that I will watch it, I just doubt I'll actually participate here.
So, I'm just going to mention that I like the concept, and the part of me that wants to be involved with absolutely everything wants to join, but I'm afraid this is a case where I'll have to draw the line and say no. Mainly due to conflicting writing between the lore of this RP and that of not just my characters and their worlds, but also somewhat my general expecations for things. And second issue is that the character options feel a bit too restrictive for what I'm generally used to, and thirdly I am currently trying to get some other RPs back on the rails and moving again. But this does interest me enough that I will watch it, I just doubt I'll actually participate here.


Well, mainly it comes down to backstories, and the locations. Sure, you could write an entire biography for a character, but it really feels like any backstory is irrelevant, as at the end of the day there is only one objective, and that's either spread or defeat the void. Then with locations, well, I don't know if you wrote down a specific size for the island, but to me it was implied that it's tiny, which gives me the mental image of an overcrowded and still outnumbered group of purity supporting humans, basically no room for non-aligned, and a situation that is entirely unsustainable, at least with technology. Therefore, at least from an overall standpoint and not an individual character standpoint, you can't supply troops with even so much as musket, and instead maybe have a few archers with only a handful of arrows each, maybe a handful of crossbows and crossbow bolts, and the rest being swords, polearms, and improvised weapons. Probably the shirt you might be wearing was worn by someone void infected, who was killed and then the shirt purified to make up for supply limits, and even then the owner before that one ripped off the sleeve for use as a bandage. I would not be surprised for them to have enacted more or less a breeding program to prevent the human population declining below the minimum levels and prevent inbreeding. It's probably back to the cottage system for industry, no electricity except maybe in a few workshops, you may even have trouble finding modern paper, and need to resort to older alternatives. More or less it feels like you'd be back in the middle ages. Meanwhile the void seems to be on the same level, but with more bodies they can throw at the humans and generally an advantage in natural abilities, but from what I understood only void creatures that came from the void have any kind of free will or higher mental function, and former humans are more mindless than animals.

Now, some of this is just my interpretation, so I may be wrong, but it still feels very confining.
However, I will add some praise for the feeling of hopelessness and being trapped from the point of view of humans, which seems to fit quite well.

Also, just two general issues that will most likely prevent my entry into this RP: 1) @Ivyss already has a void infection, and it is one of three things I generally like people referring to as void in RPs (at least outside of actually definitions, like a contract being void, etc.) with the two others being space, or an empty space between dimensions, as it is in a strange part of my lose shich is only sometimes canon. 2) you call Licentia an elder god. This relates to a bit of an annoyance of mine, which is when people take Lovecraftian Great Old Ones, and use them outside of a Lovecraftian setting. The mere fact Licentia cares about taking Earth separates her from Lovecraftian Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, as most would treat wiping Earth from existance like stepping on an ant. They're meant to be incomprehensible, and trying to comprehend any part of them drives people mad because the human brain is physically incapable of understanding them. Now I will admit I don't always handle them correctly, as I mostly bring them up with the character Renati, who originally was based off of a modded Starbound character I have and was intended to actually be mad in a Lovecraftian way, but has more just gone along the lines of the mod instead, and I generally have the rule for him that he has absolutely no self restraint and will act on any thought that enters his head. Like if he heard a dog barking he might go and throw it in front of a bus, then jump in front of that same bus to get the dog out of the way, as his first impulse is that he just wants the dog to shut up, and the next is that he feels guilty for trying to kill it. After that he might attack the bus itself for trying to hit him, then apologise to it and instead attack the driver. So, even my own character and attempts at madness don't always work, but I try to acknowledge that I'm not always doing it right.

Also, really this second point only bothers me in this situation because of Marvel, and that new movie that came out with recently that I heard was supposed to have lovecraftian old ones in it, but I haven't even seen it and even just the trailer was enough to tell me they did it wrong. Which makes sense, as Marvel movies are in an entirely different genre from Lovecraft, as one is action/adventure and the other is a subgenre of horror. And I'm also kind of boycotting anything Disney due to their declining quality, and their general practices.
random question that probably isn't necessary for me to know in order to join since I'm working on the application already.

what does a void creature + someone corrupted with the void look like..?
Thanks for the feedback! No text boxes on this one cause I need to type a lot..

Let me break this into little sections.
Well, mainly it comes down to backstories, and the locations. Sure, you could write an entire biography for a character, but it really feels like any backstory is irrelevant, as at the end of the day there is only one objective, and that's either spread or defeat the void.
Yes, at the end of the day, isn’t that what happens in the world today anyways? People’s pasts make them who they are in the present, but they don’t drag their story around like a cloak. I understand how writing a bunch of a character’s backstory would feel (no pun intended) devoid of all purpose, any suggestions to possibly help with allowing more relevance to a character’s backstory?
Then with locations, well, I don't know if you wrote down a specific size for the island,
I could swear I put a mile long (I didn’t put a width though since it’s oddly shaped and oblong)
but to me it was implied that it's tiny, which gives me the mental image of an overcrowded and still outnumbered group of purity supporting humans,
basically no room for non-aligned,
My whole thought with that is that they would either live among the void or on the island and just fend for themselves, they wouldnt contribute or fight.. they would just sit to themselves until they decided to do something. I mean.. there’s nowhere to hide here really.
and a situation that is entirely unsustainable, at least with technology.
By sustainability, I was referring specifically to the crops and livestock. They have really good soil and take farming seriously, same with wildlife.
Therefore, at least from an overall standpoint and not an individual character standpoint, you can't supply troops with even so much as musket, and instead maybe have a few archers with only a handful of arrows each, maybe a handful of crossbows and crossbow bolts, and the rest being swords, polearms, and improvised weapons.
Purelight enhancement was a concept I made so that even a metal pole could become a viable weapon. Yes, there really isn’t a surplus of items. Much of the stuff is reused or thrown together with scraps.
Probably the shirt you might be wearing was worn by someone void infected, who was killed and then the shirt purified to make up for supply limits, and even then the owner before that one ripped off the sleeve for use as a bandage.
I would not be surprised for them to have enacted more or less a breeding program to prevent the human population declining below the minimum levels and prevent inbreeding.
With the occasional invasions from the void, the life expectancy probably wouldn’t be too high.. alongside the fact newcomers are somewhat frequent, the risk of interbreeding probably isn’t terrible, they could monitor it..
It's probably back to the cottage system for industry, no electricity except maybe in a few workshops, you may even have trouble finding modern paper, and need to resort to older alternatives. More or less it feels like you'd be back in the middle ages.
Yep, Middle Ages with a random spike of technology somewhere in there.
Meanwhile the void seems to be on the same level, but with more bodies they can throw at the humans and generally an advantage in natural abilities, but from what I understood only void creatures that came from the void have any kind of free will or higher mental function, and former humans are more mindless than animals.
Yes, original void creatures are like their own race, they can think freely and such. Licentia doesn’t like incredibly advanced technology, so that’s why the one void city is also medieval-esque. Corrupted void creatures are basically just slaves to the rest of the void empire.
Now, some of this is just my interpretation, so I may be wrong, but it still feels very confining.
You got it all pretty much correct, yes. My goal was to make it a somewhat confining experience so that people would understand the feeling of hopelessness and isolation. Any suggestions on how I could open it up more without changing the feeling of hopelessness? The point of the very small island is to make it so you can literally see what might be killing you as of tomorrow.
However, I will add some praise for the feeling of hopelessness and being trapped from the point of view of humans, which seems to fit quite well.
Also, just two general issues that will most likely prevent my entry into this RP: 1) @Ivyss already has a void infection, and it is one of three things I generally like people referring to as void in RPs (at least outside of actually definitions, like a contract being void, etc.) with the two others being space, or an empty space between dimensions, as it is in a strange part of my lose shich is only sometimes canon.
Don’t think I can really do anything about this..
2) you call Licentia an elder god.
Meh. In this case I don’t mean like “Overpowered god” I simply mean old god, one of the originals.
This relates to a bit of an annoyance of mine, which is when people take Lovecraftian Great Old Ones, and use them outside of a Lovecraftian setting. The mere fact Licentia cares about taking Earth separates her from Lovecraftian Great Old Ones and Outer Gods
Well. Licentia isn’t really on par with beings that drive you insane just by thinking of them.. he has a defined physical form and isn’t powerful enough to just ignore planets in his conquest. He has to manually corrupt them.
, as most would treat wiping Earth from existance like stepping on an ant.
Yep.. not that powerful.
They're meant to be incomprehensible
Licentia isn’t really incomprehensible, he’s just vastly powerful.
, and trying to comprehend any part of them drives people mad because the human brain is physically incapable of understanding them. Now I will admit I don't always handle them correctly, as I mostly bring them up with the character Renati, who originally was based off of a modded Starbound character I have and was intended to actually be mad in a Lovecraftian way, but has more just gone along the lines of the mod instead, and I generally have the rule for him that he has absolutely no self restraint and will act on any thought that enters his head. Like if he heard a dog barking he might go and throw it in front of a bus, then jump in front of that same bus to get the dog out of the way, as his first impulse is that he just wants the dog to shut up, and the next is that he feels guilty for trying to kill it. After that he might attack the bus itself for trying to hit him, then apologise to it and instead attack the driver. So, even my own character and attempts at madness don't always work, but I try to acknowledge that I'm not always doing it right.
Yes, Licentia is a fraction of the power of a lovecraftian god. He’s only an elder because of age, to reiterate.
Also, really this second point only bothers me in this situation because of Marvel, and that new movie that came out with recently that I heard was supposed to have lovecraftian old ones in it,
The new thor one or the new doctor strange one?
but I haven't even seen it and even just the trailer was enough to tell me they did it wrong. Which makes sense, as Marvel movies are in an entirely different genre from Lovecraft, as one is action/adventure and the other is a subgenre of horror. And I'm also kind of boycotting anything Disney due to their declining quality, and their general practices.
Eeeyep, I’m getting very close to boycotting Disney too.

Anything else I missed/should improve on?
random question that probably isn't necessary for me to know in order to join since I'm working on the application already.

what does a void creature + someone corrupted with the void look like..?
Well, that varies greatly. What they all usually have in common is being slightly deformed and somewhat animalistic. The color scheme is usually a prismatic purple all the way to very light blue. They usually have some sort of shiny covering too. I’m basing the appearances loosely on RoR2’s void creatures. Here’s an example.

Thanks for the feedback! No text boxes on this one cause I need to type a lot..

Let me break this into little sections.

Yes, at the end of the day, isn’t that what happens in the world today anyways? People’s pasts make them who they are in the present, but they don’t drag their story around like a cloak. I understand how writing a bunch of a character’s backstory would feel (no pun intended) devoid of all purpose, any suggestions to possibly help with allowing more relevance to a character’s backstory?

I could swear I put a mile long (I didn’t put a width though since it’s oddly shaped and oblong)


My whole thought with that is that they would either live among the void or on the island and just fend for themselves, they wouldnt contribute or fight.. they would just sit to themselves until they decided to do something. I mean.. there’s nowhere to hide here really.

By sustainability, I was referring specifically to the crops and livestock. They have really good soil and take farming seriously, same with wildlife.

Purelight enhancement was a concept I made so that even a metal pole could become a viable weapon. Yes, there really isn’t a surplus of items. Much of the stuff is reused or thrown together with scraps.


With the occasional invasions from the void, the life expectancy probably wouldn’t be too high.. alongside the fact newcomers are somewhat frequent, the risk of interbreeding probably isn’t terrible, they could monitor it..

Yep, Middle Ages with a random spike of technology somewhere in there.

Yes, original void creatures are like their own race, they can think freely and such. Licentia doesn’t like incredibly advanced technology, so that’s why the one void city is also medieval-esque. Corrupted void creatures are basically just slaves to the rest of the void empire.

You got it all pretty much correct, yes. My goal was to make it a somewhat confining experience so that people would understand the feeling of hopelessness and isolation. Any suggestions on how I could open it up more without changing the feeling of hopelessness? The point of the very small island is to make it so you can literally see what might be killing you as of tomorrow.


Don’t think I can really do anything about this..

Meh. In this case I don’t mean like “Overpowered god” I simply mean old god, one of the originals.

Well. Licentia isn’t really on par with beings that drive you insane just by thinking of them.. he has a defined physical form and isn’t powerful enough to just ignore planets in his conquest. He has to manually corrupt them.

Yep.. not that powerful.

Licentia isn’t really incomprehensible, he’s just vastly powerful.

Yes, Licentia is a fraction of the power of a lovecraftian god. He’s only an elder because of age, to reiterate.

The new thor one or the new doctor strange one?

Eeeyep, I’m getting very close to boycotting Disney too.

Anything else I missed/should improve on?
All right, that all makes sense, and I kind of have a better idea of what you're going for now as well.
At first I was kind of taking this to be two massive armies fighting each other, as opposed to just a small group of humans surviving against the onslaught. So that kind of changes most of my suggestions.

Really, when it comes to backstories, you can probably still do a lot, as long as combat isn't too frequent. But the issue I found was the timelines you put for things. Like if that island has been all that's left for a hundred years (or maybe I misread that, in which case please do correct me), that means no newcomers for that long, and you also implied this battle have been occuring for multiple millennia, which means no peacetime backstories, and I'd assume that most people would have been more or less conditioned and indoctrinated for war, at least once the humans started losing. But, I suppose that the more I think about it, the less it necessarily seems wrong, and more just seems different. I've also kind of noticed a pattern where it seems that the creatures created in the void seem to have more opportunities for creativity than the humans do.
All right, that all makes sense, and I kind of have a better idea of what you're going for now as well.
At first I was kind of taking this to be two massive armies fighting each other, as opposed to just a small group of humans surviving against the onslaught. So that kind of changes most of my suggestions.
Really, when it comes to backstories, you can probably still do a lot, as long as combat isn't too frequent.
It’s not constant, but it is common.
But the issue I found was the timelines you put for things. Like if that island has been all that's left for a hundred years (or maybe I misread that, in which case please do correct me),
Yeah. The purity gradually shrinks, so the island has been the last piece of land for about 100-150 years.
that means no newcomers for that long,
?? Do you mean no newcomers before then? There were about 6850-6900 years where there were no newcomers. They only started appearing as the purity became very small. (Once The island was all that was left)
and you also implied this battle have been occuring for multiple millennia, which means no peacetime backstories,
When there was more land, there could’ve been peaceful areas. The last few hundred years would be constant war everywhere though.
and I'd assume that most people would have been more or less conditioned and indoctrinated for war, at least once the humans started losing. But, I suppose that the more I think about it, the less it necessarily seems wrong, and more just seems different. I've also kind of noticed a pattern where it seems that the creatures created in the void seem to have more opportunities for creativity than the humans do.
Yes, It’s like Licentia’s perfect race, the original void creatures. They’re the most privileged beings on the planet due to their freedoms and intelligence. They also can grow much more powerful since they have much longer life expectancy.
?? Do you mean no newcomers before then? There were about 6850-6900 years where there were no newcomers. They only started appearing as the purity became very small. (Once The island was all that was left)
Well, I suppose there could be a handful of people who were infected and then cured, but what I'm trying to say is thay if there's a five (can't remember if you said miles or kilometres) radius around the void that infects anyone that enters, that means that unless someone was teleported to the far side of the void, and somehow remained there for long enough to then be transported to the island, then where would newcomers even come from?
All I can say is that I'm still working on my character, however I'm stuck on the design itself since I don't know how to make a good looking mask on the character, so a few references would help me alot. (the character is going to be pure btw)
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