tModLoader HERO's Mod - Terraria Creative Mode + Server Management + And Over 25 tools

Heros mod works on the latest tmodloader for 1.4 (2022.6), and it works for the latest tmodloader for 1.3 (
I've found "latest" version of heros mod here Release v0.3.10 · JavidPack/HEROsMod
And the "latest" version of tModLoader here Release v2022.06.96.4 · tModLoader/tModLoader

And when I'm trying to load mod I have next error:
[00:48:20] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
System.ArgumentNullException: Buffer cannot be null. (Parameter 'buffer')
   at System.IO.MemoryStream..ctor(Byte[] buffer, Boolean writable)
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.ModLoadContext.LoadAssembly(Byte[] code, Byte[] pdb) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 75
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.ModLoadContext.LoadAssemblies() in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 60
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.InstantiateMods(List`1 modsToLoad, CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 249
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.ModOrganizer.LoadMods(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\ModOrganizer.cs:line 243
   at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 116
   at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.<>c__DisplayClass47_0.<BeginLoad>b__0() in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 104
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__271_0(Object obj)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread threadPoolThread)
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

[00:48:20] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/ERROR] [tML]: An error occurred while loading HEROsMod v0.3.10
It has been detected that this mod was built for tModLoader v0.11.8.4
However, you are using tModLoader v2022.6.96.4
The mod(s) have been automatically disabled.
System.ArgumentNullException: Buffer cannot be null. (Parameter 'buffer')
   at System.IO.MemoryStream..ctor(Byte[] buffer, Boolean writable)
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.ModLoadContext.LoadAssembly(Byte[] code, Byte[] pdb) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 75
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.ModLoadContext.LoadAssemblies() in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 60
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.InstantiateMods(List`1 modsToLoad, CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 249
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.ModOrganizer.LoadMods(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\ModOrganizer.cs:line 243
   at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 116
[00:48:20] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Disabling Mod: HEROsMod

What I do wrong?
I've found "latest" version of heros mod here Release v0.3.10 · JavidPack/HEROsMod
And the "latest" version of tModLoader here Release v2022.06.96.4 · tModLoader/tModLoader

And when I'm trying to load mod I have next error:
[00:48:20] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
System.ArgumentNullException: Buffer cannot be null. (Parameter 'buffer')
   at System.IO.MemoryStream..ctor(Byte[] buffer, Boolean writable)
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.ModLoadContext.LoadAssembly(Byte[] code, Byte[] pdb) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 75
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.ModLoadContext.LoadAssemblies() in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 60
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.InstantiateMods(List`1 modsToLoad, CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 249
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.ModOrganizer.LoadMods(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\ModOrganizer.cs:line 243
   at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 116
   at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.<>c__DisplayClass47_0.<BeginLoad>b__0() in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 104
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__271_0(Object obj)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread threadPoolThread)
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

[00:48:20] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/ERROR] [tML]: An error occurred while loading HEROsMod v0.3.10
It has been detected that this mod was built for tModLoader v0.11.8.4
However, you are using tModLoader v2022.6.96.4
The mod(s) have been automatically disabled.
System.ArgumentNullException: Buffer cannot be null. (Parameter 'buffer')
   at System.IO.MemoryStream..ctor(Byte[] buffer, Boolean writable)
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.ModLoadContext.LoadAssembly(Byte[] code, Byte[] pdb) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 75
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.ModLoadContext.LoadAssemblies() in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 60
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.AssemblyManager.InstantiateMods(List`1 modsToLoad, CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\AssemblyManager.cs:line 249
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Core.ModOrganizer.LoadMods(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\Core\ModOrganizer.cs:line 243
   at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\ModLoader.cs:line 116
[00:48:20] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Disabling Mod: HEROsMod

What I do wrong?
The latest herosmod for 1.4 is on the steam workshop with all the other mods, it is v0.4.7. You shouldn't be manually downloading mods, they are all in the in-game menus.
The latest herosmod for 1.4 is on the steam workshop with all the other mods, it is v0.4.7. You shouldn't be manually downloading mods, they are all in the in-game menus.
Sorry, my bad. It works for me now! Thanks for your real great work!
3 questions about this mod,
1 does it work in 1.4
2 are there items you can't get through the creative mode in the mod such as the first fractal.
3 if you put items gotten through the editor in a chest and leave the world will they still be there when you return to the world
1. yes
2. I'm not sure, it should just have all the non-deprecated items, so I guess it should show up? you can test this yourself quite easily
3. yeah
non-deprecated items? Not quite sure what tjat means

Also I feel I shoul've rephrased my 1st question, which version of terraria does this work with? Obviously not 1.4.4 as tmodloader doesn't even support 1.4.4 Yet
tModLoader is currently, but it'll still work when tmod updates to 1.4.4 whenever that happens. It doesn't matter which terraria version, it only matters which tmodloader version since it is a tmodloader mod.

So, there are certain items in the game that are marked as deprecated, meaning they shouldn't load into the game. I just checked and this "first fractal" seems to be one of those, so no, it won't show up in the item browser.
Hello, I accidentally deleted the database, causing the server to be "synchronizing the mod" What should I do?
I've never seen an error message like that anywhere, but a deleted database is fine, it'll be recreated when the server is started.
Hey, I have an weird error when I try to log in or register, that the menu just starts to blink and does nothing. I tried reinstalling the mod and deleting the databases and logins. It would be great if I would get some help.
Im having an issue with the mod where when I log in the only option that shows up is to log out is there a fix for this Ive tried the general things like reinstall and restart.
If I logged in and am now the admin of my host & play server, will my friends still be able to see the login button on the bottom middle of the screen even if logging in is optional? In other words, I want to know if that login button is visible for default players throughout their gameplay cuz that would be annoying.
If I logged in and am now the admin of my host & play server, will my friends still be able to see the login button on the bottom middle of the screen even if logging in is optional? In other words, I want to know if that login button is visible for default players throughout their gameplay cuz that would be annoying.
yes, they will see it. For example, you might want to give out different permissions to different friends depending on how much you trust them or what you want them to be able to do. Those players would need to log in to get their specific permissions enabled
so uh i have this issue i got access the menu but if i click login the whole menu becomes unusable , like i cant click anything there after i click login and i cant even login because of it


  • Screenshot 2023-12-11 212348.png
    Screenshot 2023-12-11 212348.png
    33.7 KB · Views: 59
so uh i have this issue i got access the menu but if i click login the whole menu becomes unusable , like i cant click anything there after i click login and i cant even login because of it
You can try alt tabbing in and out, or try testing the mod by itself, maybe there is some incompatibility. Also check client.log for errors.
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