Items you think are overrated?

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I've thought about it, and for me, one of the most overrated items would have to be life fruit. The amount of time it takes to find the damn things far outweighs the benefit of them.

I used to religiously collect them as soon as they became available, and not proceed with the game until I had the full amount. This always seemed to take days.

Now, if I come across one I use it, otherwise I just don't bother with them, and in all honesty I can't say I notice the difference.
Stardust dragon staff everyone overrated it in my opinion, it is good only with 1 summon but I prefer the stardust cells because they are just a better they shoot themseves and stick to enemies….
I've thought about it, and for me, one of the most overrated items would have to be life fruit. The amount of time it takes to find the damn things far outweighs the benefit of them.

I used to religiously collect them as soon as they became available, and not proceed with the game until I had the full amount. This always seemed to take days.

Now, if I come across one I use it, otherwise I just don't bother with them, and in all honesty I can't say I notice the difference.
For me I seem to get nearly all of them in just a few Chlorophyte mining trips. A Spelunker potion reveals them and they seem to turn up everywhere. A possible problem could be that you're trying to look for them only a short time after killing the Mechs: They do take time to grow, after all. I don't know how you prefer to play though, so I won't assume anything else. I just know that I like to take my time with the game and I've never had any problems finding them.
I found the Soaring Insignia pretty useless. It doesn't inherently grant the ability of either boots or wings, so you need to jam it in yet another accessory slot to get any use out of it at all, which I never even needed considering late-game mobility is already so high that it's redundant. Even on Master I can't find any room for it. It's useful if I want to violently slam into the "ceiling" of space at the speed of an X-15, I guess.
I found the Soaring Insignia pretty useless. It doesn't inherently grant the ability of either boots or wings, so you need to jam it in yet another accessory slot to get any use out of it at all, which I never even needed considering late-game mobility is already so high that it's redundant. Even on Master I can't find any room for it. It's useful if I want to violently slam into the "ceiling" of space at the speed of an X-15, I guess.
You know, I never use it either for all of those same reasons. But I know some people have gotten so good at using it that they say it's extremely overpowered and should be nerfed due to just how good it is. It's really interesting how many different playstyles the game has.
"The Horseman's Blade"

I always wondered why so many people used it. I also wondered how cheese tastes like.
Now i know and i don't like the taste very much.

The Rod of Discord's (innuendo?) fine, by the way, because instant dodge. If we could just hotkey it...
I love cheese.
I found the Soaring Insignia pretty useless. It doesn't inherently grant the ability of either boots or wings, so you need to jam it in yet another accessory slot to get any use out of it at all, which I never even needed considering late-game mobility is already so high that it's redundant. Even on Master I can't find any room for it. It's useful if I want to violently slam into the "ceiling" of space at the speed of an X-15, I guess.
It boosts acceleration on hover wings to the point that you don’t need a dash anymore, is faster than flying mounts, and pretty much removes all need for using any other mobility accessory besides hover wings and any need to use an arena for a boss again. It’s disgustingly overpowered for moon lord especially. Basically if you have it you have 4+ slots that you can fill with literally whatever you want and it’ll just :red:ing work anyway because the item basically wins everything by itself so long as your wings have good horizontal mobility (like hoverboard or betsy wings)
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I found the Soaring Insignia pretty useless. It doesn't inherently grant the ability of either boots or wings, so you need to jam it in yet another accessory slot to get any use out of it at all, which I never even needed considering late-game mobility is already so high that it's redundant. Even on Master I can't find any room for it. It's useful if I want to violently slam into the "ceiling" of space at the speed of an X-15, I guess.
The significant mobility boost combined with infinite flight is extremely far from redundant. It is one of the best accessories in the whole game and is almost always a must have when available.
In Terraria, there are obviously going to be items that everyone loves that you probably don't like very much, or were underwhelmed when you finally got it yourself. What are some items you got in the game that didn't live up to their expectations?

Mine, personally, is the Rod of Discord. It's incredibly rare, and it can teleport you anywhere on the screen once every 10 seconds. By the time in the game I may have gotten it, I probably already have an excellent pickaxe that I can just dig to that spot with.
i think the terrarian meowmere and summoner class is over rated
Any of the running shoes once you enter hardmode and begin gathering other accessories. Hot take, but here me out. Movement speed is not hard to increase with sunflower placement, movement speed potions etc. You won’t be running as fast as would with any of the running shoes but you can still accomplish a decent speed increase. Furthermore, ”running” at this stage of the game doesn’t really help dodge bosses except for Queen Slime. Wings on the other hand do, so why don’t you have an accessory slot reserved for wings and use the other accessories to increase survivability and damage?
Any of the running shoes once you enter hardmode and begin gathering other accessories. Hot take, but here me out. Movement speed is not hard to increase with sunflower placement, movement speed potions etc. You won’t be running as fast as would with any of the running shoes but you can still accomplish a decent speed increase. Furthermore, ”running” at this stage of the game doesn’t really help dodge bosses except for Queen Slime. Wings on the other hand do, so why don’t you have an accessory slot reserved for wings and use the other accessories to increase survivability and damage?
I do agree, sort of. The only running shoes that I ever really use are the Amphibian Boots since they help with both horizontal and vertical mobility, even in Hardmode.
I do agree, sort of. The only running shoes that I ever really use are the Amphibian Boots since they help with both horizontal and vertical mobility, even in Hardmode.
I actually forgot that those boots even existed. I’d have to try them out at some point, although, grinding for a frog leg and sailfish boots does not sound fun, nor do I see the potential of Amphibian boots to justify working for its ingredients.
I actually forgot that those boots even existed. I’d have to try them out at some point, although, grinding for a frog leg and sailfish boots does not sound fun, nor do I see the potential of Amphibian boots to justify working for its ingredients.
Personally, I always just go fishing anyways, so that makes getting the boots not too much of a hassle.
Not to say it's fun, but it's something you gotta do when it comes to Hardcore or the Shellphone. Although sometimes I'll decide to fish up stuff for the Terraspark boots even though I'll never use 'em.
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