Official Let's hear your forum improvements!

1.) Some option to not notify own follower about the post made - some messages are just not important (except to the thread participants) and just fill the alert box

2) At the bug report section it is sometimes not clear if a bug report have been read by any dev. Maybe some additional tags (in addition to 'reported', 'resolved').

3) Some bug reports might include some game breaking glitches or some (vanilla) source code. In such cases a non-public bug report might be nice to have. Or as alternative some non-public post section (like spoilers, just only visible for devs and the bug post writer). Or is it OK to post vanilla source code at bug report section?
(If I am wrong about anything here feel free to correct me)
1.) Some option to not notify own follower about the post made - some messages are just not important (except to the thread participants) and just fill the alert box

2) At the bug report section it is sometimes not clear if a bug report have been read by any dev. Maybe some additional tags (in addition to 'reported', 'resolved').
1. There are settings that allow customation of notifications.
2. This too exists. There are both reported and resolved tags, for example:
Screenshot (98).png
(If I am wrong about anything here feel free to correct me)

1. There are settings that allow customation of notifications.
2. This too exists. There are both reported and resolved tags, for example:
Thanks for quick reply but I might not explained it good enough
1.) Those options are only about receiving them. Not about sending them (or do I miss something?). Like on Youtube you can publish a video with and without notifying the subscriber.
2.) I wrote in 'addition to 'reported', 'resolved''. I had something in mind like 'already fixed', 'won't get fixed', 'recorded', 'not important enough', 'needs further testing', 'more details needed', 'not a bug' ...
In the picture above only 3 out of 7 have a tag. For others the status is unknown.
So it's unclear if it should be reported again, need better description or just won't get fixed because of low benefit with a lot of work needed.
Thanks for quick reply but I might not explained it good enough
1.) Those options are only about receiving them. Not about sending them (or do I miss something?). Like on Youtube you can publish a video with and without notifying the subscriber.
2.) I wrote in 'addition to 'reported', 'resolved''. I had something in mind like 'already fixed', 'won't get fixed', 'recorded', 'not important enough', 'needs further testing', 'more details needed', 'not a bug' ...
In the picture above only 3 out of 7 have a tag. For others the status is unknown.
So it's unclear if it should be reported again, need better description or just won't get fixed because of low benefit with a lot of work needed.
Guess I just misunderstood all of that.
The forum is perfect, has been since it was TO. Forums have been the perfect form of conservation of internet media and knowledge and I really feel it's all been abandoned in favor of instant-feedback chatrooms brainrot.

There's only one small issue I've ever had with TCF and it's the fact the latest posts don't show up on the home page. That's how it used to work in TO and I found my engagement with the website drastically dropped since then as the home page leads to more of a blog than a forum. Latest posts and status updates being on the "forum" tab makes perfect sense but as most people focus on Terraria news, they stick exclusively to the homepage for the blog and often forget the forum even exists.
Having everything but the actual forum categories condensed on the home page really helped getting new people engaged in case any of the current conversations piqued their interest. I very much remember 90% of my engagement came from checking the old TO blog exclusively and then glancing at latest posts in case any interested me. Despite never checking the actual categories, I was VERY active during the days so it must've worked.
Site is a solid 9/10 for me, great community and user interface, and I’ve never felt once uncomfortable here. The only thing I can think of for improvements are the rules on bumping being put into more detail. I have a dead “Ask me anything” thread and since you can only create one per person, I'm not really sure how I can revive it since commenting on it to bump it and sharing the link to it on my profile both seem kinda spammy. Rules on what is and isn’t okay on that would really help out
i think a button that disables all notives instead of having to click off every single setting for pings mabye like a do not disurb option so ppl dont randomly wake up with 51 pings like i did
May be unrelated but: How do I get the link to a specific profile post? I did not find such an option unlike on normal forum replies. If there is no such option, I suggest adding that also to profile posts.
-I joined 2 years ago to say happy birthday terraria but I decided to rejoin just to chat a bit
-Oh god, its been 7 years since I started playing, I feel old! I barley remember anything! I do remember using the wiki alot, but alot of the issues I do remember having have been fixed (it was mobile 1.2 after all)
-I haven't really been active enough to dictate my favorite parts, but It really does work well for the most part. I'm not in with forum culture myself, I feel its too cluttered, there are too many options to choose from! If I were to say, I think it would be better if the homepage was the forums homepage with a history of events on the side, like how the active members/moderators are.

Hello Terrarians! It's been a while since we had an official thread to take some of your forum suggestions, and with an influx of quite a few new members (hello all! welcome! :) ), we wanted to be proactive and look into making some improvements based on what the community feels is needed. We can't promise that we can do everything, but we promise that we will look over everything and do our best.

Give us your thoughts!
  • Why did you first come to the Terraria Community Forums? (example: to report a bug, find other players to play with, figure out why your house isn't valid, etc.)
  • When you were a newcomer, what do you remember was easy to navigate, and what were you confused about?
  • What works well? What functions of the forums do you like, what do you think is fine the way it is, what's your favorite part of the forums?
  • What could be improved upon? What features do you wish were here, what would make things easier, what isn't working as well as it could?

If you read an idea from someone else and you like it too, be sure to add on and let it be known that you agree, so that we know which ideas are resonating with the community. Thanks so much Terrarians! We'll be keeping an eye on this thread.
Honestly I think its good enough for what it is but publicity of terraria servers (ie penguin games) could be nice!!
Maybe being able to pin certain replies in a thread, sorta like Discord? If you're the creator, you can pin whatever replies to your message there are (which you can then find with a 'Check Pins' button, or something). Could help with thread organization, saving good feedback/ideas, etc.
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